What Causes Lukewarm Air to Leave Vents?

In this blog entry, the Chicago air duct inspection and Chicago ductwork repair team here at EmDuct Cleaning will detail the common causes of lukewarm air that escapes vents.

Lukewarm Air Leaving Vents

There can be a few causes of this issue. Air conditioners might be experiencing refrigerant leaks, and it may not be able to handle its cooling responsibilities with the level of refrigerant inside its system. Another issue might be that your AC is set to a lower temperature setting than it can actually achieve. 70 degrees will feel lukewarm if your thermostat is set to 60 but it’s 90 degrees out – your air conditioner will never truly reach 60 degrees! This phenomenon is known as the temperature differential.

Is there enough refrigerant in my AC?

If you’re dealing with a refrigerant leak, it can manifest in many different ways. Your air conditioner could be increasing the energy bill as it works doubly hard to achieve the same job. Your AC could be making strange bubbling or hissing sounds because of refrigerant leaks. Your AC could be showing a refrigerant leak also when lukewarm air leaves the vents. This indicates that the AC system doesn’t have enough refrigerant to properly cool your air, but that this air is still sent by the blower fan into your home.

Is the thermostat set at too low a setting?

If it’s very hot outside, you need to be balanced and careful with how you program your thermostat. Air conditioners won’t truly be able to cool your home down 20 egress lower than outside – meaning that it might only feel like lukewarm air is leaving your vents, but it might actually be the lowest possible temperature that your AC can produce, but it just feels lukewarm because the ambient temperature is just too hot. If you feel like your AC is working ineffectively, contact the expert appliance repair service at EmDuct for expert, instant assistance.