Answers to Commonly Asked Air Duct Cleaning Questions

In this blog entry, the professional Chicago area air duct cleaning team here at EmDuct Cleaning will answer some frequently asked questions that we receive about our professional air duct cleaning services.

What exactly is air duct cleaning? 

Air duct cleaning is a careful process that cleanses the components of your heating, air conditioning, and ventilation system. All areas of the system will be cleaned, including return, air, ducts, air supply, grills, registers, and diffusers. I specialize in tools and equipment in order to remove accumulated dust, mold, debris, and other contaminants from your air duct system.


Does air duct cleaning make your house less dusty?

Yes, cleaning your air. Ducts reduce the level of dust inside your home. Overtime, dust, pet, dander, pollen, and other small airborne particles settle inside your ductwork. When the HVAC system is turned on, these particles are spread throughout the air to accumulate Dustin all the surfaces of your home. I professionally have your air ducts cleaned, you can remove these particles and keep your home much more dust free.


Does air duct cleaning help you save money?

Regular inconsistent, air duct cleaning, and see if you have lots of money. And help your HVAC system, operating more efficiently, lowering your energy consumption and possibly her utility bills. Air duct cleaning also extends the lifespan of your HVAC system, which reduces the amount of money you might have to spend on repairs as possible replacements over time.


How long does air duct cleaning last?

The dust removal provided by air duct cleaning last varied amount of time impacted by the level of dust. Inside your home, how regularly you use your HVAC system, and the quality of air inside your home. Homes that have pets are smokers. Generally need a track cleaning more regularly. We recommend scheduling air duct cleaning at least every 2 to 4 years. If you notice any signs of mold growth, bad air quality, or excessive Dustin, your home, you might need air duct cleaning more regularly than this.


Can air duct cleaning reduce allergies?

Yes. Air duct cleaning can remove dust, mold, spores, pollen, and other allergens from your air ducts, and that’s from the air in your home. This lowers your exposure to allergens and the likelihood of experiencing allergy symptoms. Air duct cleaning can’t remove all allergy systems, as different people have different types of sensitivities to outdoor pollution, plant life, pollen, or pet dander.


Do you recommend placing baking soda inside air ducts?

I do not recommend placing baking soda directly into your ductwork, as it clump up when exposed to any moisture, blocking airflow, and creating worse issues over time.


How can I deodorize my air ducts?

The best way to remove nasty odors from your air ducts is to contact a professional, HVAC and air duct cleaning technician and ask him for the best way to remove bad smells from your air ducts. We can provide air duct sanitization services, as well as removing physical dirt, dust, and particulate matter from your air ducts.


What things make homes more dusty?

The presence of pets, inside your home, home, renovations, construction, nearby, poor air quality, due to factories or construction, lots of pollen in your area, or regularly keeping your windows and doors open, Ken all cause dust to accumulate with more volume inside your home.