Replacing Furnace Air Filters

In this blog entry, the Chicago air duct cleaning and Chicago furnace furnace cleaning experts here at EmDuct will detail the main things to know about replacing furnace air filter.

What exactly are furnace air filters?

Furnace air filters are made of a cardboard frame, a fiberglass filter, and metallic mesh. The frame and the mesh are meant to provide strength to the filter. Furnace filters are meant to increase the quality of air in your property as well as to protect your HVAC and your HVAC pieces from debris or dirt. Without filters, HVAC mechanics will rapidly become dirty, increasing utility bills and damaging HVAC system performance. Flyers trap contaminants as air is passed through your heating system.


When should I replace furnace air filters?

We recommend changing furnace air filters every three months. However, you should change air filters more often if you have pets in the household, if anyone at your property has respiratory issues, if you live or work in a high pollution area, or if you’ve recently remodeled or done construction at your home. Furnace filters need to be changed less often if your home is a semi-inhabited vacation property or if your furnace uses very thick filters (over 3 inches.)


Furnace Air Filter Terms

Furnace air filters come in a wide range of sizes. Furnace filter MERV ratings demonstrate what level of granular particles it can trap. Filters with a MERV rating over 8 are ideal. Check your furnace user manual to determine the ideal MERV number, as too high a MERV rating can actually restrict airflow – while a low MERV rating can keep your system highly vulnerable to contamination and clogging. We recommend purchasing pleated electrostatic furnace filters. Electrostatic materials – as compared to synthetic fibers – are more durable and attract a higher level of dangerous particles. Pleated filters are ideal as they have a bigger surface area that can capture more debris and dust.