Common Air Duct Cleaning Misconceptions

In this blog entry, the professional Chicago air duct cleaning team here at EmDuct will describe some of the most common misconceptions regarding air duct cleaning.

  1. Some people think that air ducts can clean themselves – this is patently false. Over time, air ducts accumulate tons of dirt, dust, and contaminants which can then be cycled throughout your home when the heating or cooling systems are turned on. Only professional air duct cleaning can efficiently remove these contaminants from your air duct system.
  2. Some people think that DIY cleaning is an effective cost saving strategy for air ducts, but this is not true. Air ducts require special equipment and techniques in order to be cleaned. Contact the professional Chicago air duct cleaning team here at EmDuct for instant solutions for your Windy City air duct cleaning needs.
  3. Some people think that air duct cleaning leaves a mess in your home – this is not true. Our professional air duct cleaning service uses special ductless cleaning techniques to ensure a clean and sanitary environment during the cleaning process. We take great care to ensure that your home and property is fully protected throughout the entire cleaning procedure.
  4. Some people think that air duct cleaning removes airborne germs and contaminants. This is not quite true – while air duct cleaning can drastically reduce the level of pollutants, dust, and allergens in your ductwork, seriously improving your air quality.
  5. Few, but certainly some, people think that air ducts need to be cleaned every single month – this definitely isn’t true. We recommend cleaning your air duct professionally every 2-4 years, and more often based on the presence of certain factors like pets or smoking.